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Everyone should read these:
Further Reading:
* In the table below you can sort the books and articles by title, author or type.
Title | Author | Type |
Richard Dawkins | Book | |
Richard Dawkins | Book | |
Douglas Hofstadter | Book | |
James Hogan | Book | |
Bryan McGee | Book | |
Karl Popper | Book | |
Karl Popper | Book | |
John Barrow, Frank Tipler, John Wheeler | Book | |
Jacob Bronowski | Book | |
Paul Davies, Julian Brown | Book | |
Richard Dawkins | Book | |
Daniel Dennett | Book | |
Bryce Dewitt, Neill Graham | Book | |
F. D'Agostino, Ian Jarvie | Book | |
Geymonat L. | Book | |
Thomas Kuhn | Book | |
Imre Lakatos, Alan Musgrave | Book | |
Michael Lockwood | Book | |
David Miller | Book | |
David Miller | Book | |
Ernest Nagel, James Newman, Douglas Hofstadter | Book | |
Anthony O'Hear | Book | |
Roger Penrose | Book | |
Karl Popper | Book | |
Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffery Leech, Jan Svartvik | Book | |
Frank Tipler | Book | |
Steven Weinberg | Book | |
Steven Weinberg | Book | |
Steven Weinberg | Book | |
Lewis Wolpert | Book | |
Benjamin Woolley | Book | |
D. W. Schima | Book | |
Ian Stewart | Book | |
John Wheeler | Book | |
Comment on 'The Many Minds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics' by Michael Lockwood' | Michael Lockwood | Article |
The Quantum Physics of Time Travel | David Deutsch, Michael Lockwood | Article |
Quantum Cryptography | Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard and Artur K. Ekert | Article |
A Quantum Revolution for Computing | Julian Brown | Article |
Quantum Keys for Keeping Secrets | Artur K. Ekert New Scientist | Article |
Quantum-mechanical Computers | Seth Lloyd | Article |
The Many Minds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | Michael Lockwood | Article |
Intrinsically Difficult Problems | L. J. Stockmeyer and A. K. Chandra | Article |
Computing Machinery and Intelligence | Alan Turing | Article |